

This is an overlay voor the Gentoo Linux distribution, it provides ebuilds for opentmpfiles which is about to be removed from the official repository in favor of a systemd version.

Why this overlay?

Gentoo can be -if you want- a systemd-free distro, it is one of the things i like about it. Opentmpfiles is Gentoo's implementation of tmpfiles and it is about to be replaced by the systemd version of tmpfiles. There has been quite some discussion about that and I created this overlay to keep opentmpfiles.

What is in this overlay?

This overlay provides two packages:

  • virtual/tmpfiles, modified to only have opentmpfiles
  • sys-apps/opentmpfiles, only modified to have an additional SRC_URI

How to use this overlay?

First you'll have to clone this overlay on a place you like, a common place these days is /var/db/repos. So cd into that directory and use git clone https://code.pa4wdh.nl.eu.org/gentoo/opentmpfiles, this will create a directory called opentmpfiles with the overlay in it.

Next you have to make portage aware of the repo, for that you'll have to create a config file under /etc/portage/repos.conf. Create a file called opentmpfiles.conf and give it these contents:

location = /var/db/repos/opentmpfiles
sync-type = git
sync-uri = https://code.pa4wdh.nl.eu.org/gentoo/opentmpfiles

If you placed the overlay on a different place than /var/db/repos make sure to adapt the location line to your needs.

In the official Gentoo repository the package sys-apps/opentmpfiles is still masked, so you still have to unmask it to be able to use it. Add sys-apps/opentmpfiles to /etc/portage/package.unmask to do that.

What can i do with this?

This overlay will help you to keep opentmpfiles, eliminating an other systemd component from your system.

If you have any feedback on this overlay, you're quite likely to find me on the Gentoo forums.

Have fun!