diff options
authorPA4WDH2022-08-03 16:39:23 +0200
committerPA4WDH2022-08-03 16:39:23 +0200
commit34193c5b099f8912cae1b9da0e81b5126d936532 (patch)
Initial commitHEADmaster
6 files changed, 166 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/README.html b/README.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6b2001
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.html
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+ This is an overlay voor the Gentoo Linux distribution, it provides an ebuild
+ for the
+ <a href="https://raspberrypi.github.io/pico-sdk-doxygen/">Raspberry Pi Pico
+ SDK</a>.
+<h2>Why this overlay?</h2>
+ I recently got interested in the
+ <a href="https://www.raspberrypi.com/products/raspberry-pi-pico/">Raspberry Pi
+ Pico</a> and the SDK is not in the main portage tree. Usual instructions tell
+ you to install it in your home directory, but in my opinion software like this
+ should be managed by your package manager so i started writing an ebuild. I'm
+ sharing this to help other Gentoo users.
+<h2>What is in this overlay?</h2>
+ This overlay provides a single package: dev-utils/pico-sdk. It installs the
+ SDK under /opt/pico-sdk-&lt;version&gt; and a symlink /opt/pico-sdk. It has
+ some use flags to control which external parts get included:
+ <li>cyw43: Include the cyw43 driver for the Pico W's wireless hardware</li>
+ <li>examples: Include source code examples</li>
+ <li>lwip: Include the lwip IP Stack</li>
+ <li>tinyusb: Include the tinyusb USB Stack (required for stdio over USB)</li>
+ You may notice that the ebuild does depend on cross-arm-none-eabi/binutils,
+ cross-arm-none-eabi/gcc and cross-arm-none-eabi/newlib and these packages may
+ not be available on your system. You can use crossdev (sys-devel/crossdev) to
+ create them with the command: <b>crossdev -t arm-none-eabi --init-target</b>.
+<h2>How to use this overlay?</h2>
+ First you'll have to clone this overlay on a place you like, a common place
+ these days is <b>/var/db/repos</b>. So cd into that directory and use
+ <b>git clone https://code.pa4wdh.nl.eu.org/gentoo/rpi-pico</b>, this will
+ create a directory called rpi-pico with the overlay in it.
+ Next you have to make portage aware of the repo, for that you'll have to
+ create a config file under <b>/etc/portage/repos.conf</b>. Create a file
+ called <b>rpi-pico.conf</b> and give it these contents:
+location = /var/db/repos/rpi-pico
+sync-type = git
+sync-uri = https://code.pa4wdh.nl.eu.org/gentoo/rpi-pico
+ If you placed the overlay on a different place than <b>/var/db/repos</b> make
+ sure to adapt the <b>location</b> line to your needs.
+<h2>What can i do with this?</h2>
+ With the SDK installed you can start developing programs in the C programming
+ language for the Raspberry Pi Pico. See
+ <a href="https://github.com/raspberrypi/pico-sdk#quick-start-your-own-project">this documentation</a>
+ to learn how to start your own project. To use the SDK set <b>PICO_SDK_PATH</b>
+ to <b>/opt/pico-sdk</b> or include
+ <b>include(/opt/pico-sdk/pico_sdk_init.cmake)</b> in your
+ <b>CMakeLists.txt</b>.
+ If you have any feedback on this overlay, you're quite likely to find me on
+ the <a href="https://forums.gentoo.org">Gentoo forums</a>.
+ Have fun!
diff --git a/dev-util/pico-sdk/Manifest b/dev-util/pico-sdk/Manifest
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7484d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-util/pico-sdk/Manifest
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+DIST pico-sdk-1.4.0-cyw43.zip 487825 BLAKE2B 8dda0f5ccbaded18a2b1995a03ad4e9f7d80d54bb67f9ec49e464da67eeef49c30b99404a8353800d3f9fb99cb3d2c24b8a7fd74c02d39f0f87f8d21f3ceb632 SHA512 f434c690f48e43c53b37a1999608a029e7ae9f065f08f0461c0cbe084bcfb09bb2e48f56add898cc9f2786c5ab54d55f46251f3977b2849eafc499c2bfe38a1d
+DIST pico-sdk-1.4.0-examples.zip 5542251 BLAKE2B 53176c731e05f3bfd91d339152c70fed447ea0c808254c72ce5b97282d9f629713f132e71d208121aabc03837b01faba74c629eed800d0abd2b483e19ca3564c SHA512 4512a6516987e4d4dd458d8d412f6fd45b195d088d89d3ebab8e6e3acd628b0fe6057cc0bb31d67bb02f249ab0f79cdbaf463bd02a0a4bc78f8a20d54f0726b9
+DIST pico-sdk-1.4.0-lwip.tar.gz 1580159 BLAKE2B ce7d1bf23cd59e71cbe0c4532734fe8b76b5f6e70b31d9d8418b6453dc736505b31160f8b211a123a0b074eb82303e89b945279477ec87a01bd99982113ba9b6 SHA512 8f790d90afacfd138f1f08817f4fb00d833d53aaa9799d415be0026c27e042f860349bd1733d7f03e8e4b85ac090577536d04807fa17d26b804c7dfa84238099
+DIST pico-sdk-1.4.0-tinyusb.zip 2538439 BLAKE2B 4f128cf95c0fe975094e2c086f83cf02010a47455bc13fb5c192f02a217483c53f8740324f142ad0d40681bad2970270301d370a2d42f079cf4ec9e5249f06c3 SHA512 909cae604d7b08b485a8ac90172cf8e774b6496e4fbad1302d922036adc8d03dd25c202564d2b7ad04c0e555418f770d81e3f3a2e2b70ade451b1e01db75bafa
+DIST pico-sdk-1.4.0.zip 1236507 BLAKE2B c277b5663d8618d7cadc6c30c361af496b9072597500b4dc8ed0ede2c21c9cc06584b0a275aafd67b34e9fca0384ade98bc408bbc3b327cf8348aeeca4ce9659 SHA512 4794df98882d3b8068a5609869318f3d105fb19b9098bc4b437538e0a39dd0cdcc3e2d9d3a677bc62e045f94e7b1d203cf123bb1a55c0825d8af449d6bfca336
+EBUILD pico-sdk-1.4.0.ebuild 2191 BLAKE2B 29409e9abb3cb7ab2b552cdd730a99be1e86dd1733457d73ff69484ed3532e61ddb229f22e358641832521d8dcae0372d086960b8e198b8a31502edee52fe1cc SHA512 4db4e8bade85413264908458cba80b2dd52a4b90fe3914f8a1661d663667960f0ca6695155dea7aa5b77734b90b3ae7c4262dd1f029ff989e2a5c4a30c6fa7d1
+MISC metadata.xml 410 BLAKE2B 715a1ee33e0d2b8954ddacb40c674a4279ee1b807619fdf159fdf417b43f0b394a0ab4422f0d5a3077c4ddd313138d7d966fda6bd3d8df9d7849fb543f907c6b SHA512 3a27ff75f60c88eba0b09ec948b1d9ec34f8901f441072adba4beae76722e11a915a5f9914a3615602f198eeae0e3b9e65fb4fb36cde2e1fff83be6f2ea4efad
diff --git a/dev-util/pico-sdk/metadata.xml b/dev-util/pico-sdk/metadata.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89f2f9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-util/pico-sdk/metadata.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "https://www.gentoo.org/dtd/metadata.dtd">
+<maintainer type="person">
+ <use>
+ <flag name="cyw43">Include the cyw43 driver, required for PICO-W wireless</flag>
+ <flag name="lwip">Include the lwip IP Stack</flag>
+ <flag name="tinyusb">Include the tinyusb USB Stack</flag>
+ </use>
diff --git a/dev-util/pico-sdk/pico-sdk-1.4.0.ebuild b/dev-util/pico-sdk/pico-sdk-1.4.0.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65941e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-util/pico-sdk/pico-sdk-1.4.0.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+# Copyright 2022 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+DESCRIPTION="Raspberry Pi Pico SDK"
+IUSE="cyw43 examples lwip tinyusb"
+SRC_URI="https://github.com/raspberrypi/${PN}/archive/refs/tags/${PV}.zip -> ${PN}-${PV}.zip
+ cyw43? ( https://github.com/georgerobotics/cyw43-driver/archive/${CYW43_COMMIT}.zip -> ${P}-cyw43.zip )
+ examples? ( https://github.com/raspberrypi/pico-examples/archive/refs/tags/sdk-${PV}.zip -> ${P}-examples.zip )
+ lwip? ( https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/lwip.git/snapshot/lwip-${LWIP_COMMIT}.tar.gz -> ${P}-lwip.tar.gz )
+ tinyusb? ( https://github.com/hathach/tinyusb/archive/${TINYUSB_COMMIT}.zip -> ${P}-tinyusb.zip )"
+ cross-arm-none-eabi/binutils
+ cross-arm-none-eabi/gcc[cxx]
+ cross-arm-none-eabi/newlib"
+src_prepare() {
+ if use cyw43
+ then
+ einfo "Including the cyw43 driver"
+ rmdir "${S}/lib/cyw43-driver"
+ mv "${WORKDIR}/cyw43-driver-${CYW43_COMMIT}" "${S}/lib/cyw43-driver" || die "Failed to install cyw43 driver"
+ fi
+ if use examples
+ then
+ einfo "Including examples"
+ mv "${WORKDIR}/pico-examples-sdk-${PV}" "${S}/examples" || die "Failed to install examples"
+ fi
+ if use lwip
+ then
+ einfo "Including the lwip IP Stack"
+ rmdir "${S}/lib/lwip"
+ mv "${WORKDIR}/lwip-${LWIP_COMMIT}" "${S}/lib/lwip" || die "Failed to install lwip"
+ fi
+ if use tinyusb
+ then
+ einfo "Including the tinyusb USB Stack"
+ rmdir "${S}/lib/tinyusb"
+ mv "${WORKDIR}/tinyusb-${TINYUSB_COMMIT}" "${S}/lib/tinyusb" || die "Failed to install tinyusb"
+ fi
+ eapply_user
+src_compile() {
+ return
+src_install() {
+ mkdir "${D}/opt"
+ cp -R "${S}" "${D}/opt/"
+ ln -s "${PN}-${PV}" "${D}/opt/${PN}"
+pkg_postinst() {
+ einfo "When compiling your projects set PICO_SDK_PATH to /opt/${PN}"
+ einfo "or include(/opt/pico-sdk/pico_sdk_init.cmake) in your CMakeLists.txt"
diff --git a/metadata/layout.conf b/metadata/layout.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d43e61c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metadata/layout.conf
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+masters = gentoo
diff --git a/profiles/repo_name b/profiles/repo_name
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28742f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/profiles/repo_name
@@ -0,0 +1 @@